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Legendary Dad Turns His Daughter’s Room Into A Fairy Tale




Imgurian Radamshome worked on his daughter’s bedroom project for 18 months.

verbouwde kamerHe’s an artist in the video game industry, and a very skilled builder too. He transformed her bedroom into a fairy wonderland, complete with a tree that has reading lights, silk branches, butterflies, ornaments, and bird’s nests. 
Radamshome estimates that the project took 350 hours (mostly on weekends) and cost $4,250 to execute.

He started off his project with this drawing.

verbouwde kamer sketelFirst he constructed a scale model, then he drew the silhoutte of the tree on the wall. After drawing, “I could attach the steel rebar straight to these lines,” he wrote. “The nice thing about organic shapes is you can get away with eyeballing things. Mistakes were made.”

Welding the steel rebar and steel rod followed. “To make the tree climbable, the frame needed to be pretty strong. So I over-engineered it to easily support 3 adults, even though it would only ever be used by little kids,”said the lucky little ‘fairygirl’s’ dad. Once the steel skeleton was built, he covered it with a wire skin attached with zip ties.

verbouwde kamer resultThe next step was adding some low-voltage lights to the masterpiece, Then, he applied concrete using a trowel “just like stucco application.” He used silicone bark rollers and clay sculpting tools to create the bark-like texture. After adding paper-mâché branches, Radamshome painted the tree, starting with a dark brown and later applying lighter colors.

He painted it using the rough or gradient blending technique. It’s easier to do on the computer, though.

Stunning, as you can see.

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